Action Stages

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SMecoMP Communication

SMecoMP’s outputs

The SMecoMP’s main outputs are:

  1. Current State and Best Practices Report. The report will include the results drawn from analyzing data collected from two surveys (one on knowledge and skills that SMEs require and one on formal and non-formal educational training processes) in all participating countries. Objectives (i), (ii).
  2. SMecoMP Transnational Network. A network of academics, vocational trainers, researchers, mentors, professionals, SME’s owners and staff and members of start-ups, that promotes the integration of education, research and business, to improve entrepreneurship education, support eco-entrepreneurial lifelong learning and improve SME’s competitiveness. It will be open to new members during and after the project’s lifetime. Objectives (vii), (viii), (iii).
  3. Development and implementation of an innovative learning framework. Taking into account the results of output (i) and through the exchange of experiences and best practices, partners will develop the framework and the platforms through which education and training will be delivered. Objective (iii).
  4. Development of a joint-learning-outcomes based curricula, based on output (iii), addressing the identified cognitive and training needs by the HEIs and VET centres, the labour market actors and SMEs professionals. Objective (iv).
  5. Development of four (4) tailor-made training modules, based on output (iv), adapted to eco-innovation entrepreneurial knowledge and skills required by SMEs’ professionals and young ecopreneurs. Objective (v).
  6. Customize an Open Educational Resources ICT training platform to deliver blended learning courses both to SMEs professionals and HEIs students to support both education and vocational lifelong learning. Objective (v).
  7. Deliver the four courses on the innovative ICT based platform. Objectives (v), (vi).
  8. Disseminate through workshops ad seminars. Objective (viii).
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